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This is not a belief. It is science. The issue of happiness has been attracting attention not only at the personal level, but the institutional one as well, as more and more studies have revealed strong correlations between happy employees and greater value creation for companies. It increases commitment and fosters a spirit of teamwork and learning, while reducing conflict, negativity and detachment.
So timely is this topic that the top 100 US company leaders came together in September 2019 to discuss how the Wall Street mindset could be changed to value investment into the well-being of all stakeholders.
This workshop serves as a starting point, where audience members will share ideas about which issues need to be addressed so as to nurture greater levels of employee happiness.
However, increasing happiness requires not only knowledge and committment but also effort, as it means changing deeply rooted habits.That is why the last part of the workshop deals with behavioural change.
Share a common working model of team happiness
Identify and understand all those dimensions that contribute to individual and collective happiness.
Begin the journey of personal transformation so that each participant might become the best version of themselves.
Length: 3 mornings (3x4h)
Workshop capacity: 100 people
Build an organizational culture that promotes personal happiness and ensures a sustainable future for your business.
Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.
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