Falar como um lider

Do you need to make your presentations more inspiring? to better engage your audience? to strike the right balance between passing on information while also guiding action?

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Speak like a Leader

Trust is the best foundation for delivering effective communication that engages the audience and motivates them to action. But it is not the only factor.

This one-of-a-kind workshop provides top leaders with bespoke training so that they can develop these skills in privacy.Together we work not only on building trust but also on perfecting advanced communication techniques, from creating flow to nonverbal communication.

This workshop enables you to:


Find your own communication style


Become a more confident and engaging speaker


Modulate your emotions on stage


Prior to the programme, a series of assessments will enable you to identify your natural communication style.

Programme content:

  • Building self-confidence
  • Warming up the audience and prepare the presentation
  • Finding your archetype as a speaker
  • Improving your storytelling: openings, closures, flow and attention management
  • Improving slide design
  • Improving body language
  • Improving voice placement

Each session, you will give a presentation that will be recorded for purposes of feedback.

Length: 10 sessions in 2 ½ months (10x2h)

Workshop capacity: 1 person

​Transform your ability to communicate with audiences into a strength that defines your leadership.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

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