Are you maximizing your company's performance on every pitch to a new client?

Learn more about this method and the training programme.

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Selling more effectively

Each time your company offers a bid, the odds are against you (< 33%). That is, if your team is using the same tools as your other competitors. But it doesn't have to be that way.

With his knowledge of advanced sales techniques and behavioural science, Miguel has developed a method that, when mastered, gives you a significant advantage over the competition.

This method enables you to:


Understand your customer’s needs

Read and understand your potential customer to figure out what they really need


Adjust your communication style

Adapt your communication style so that it moves your target audience.


Read your customer's reactions

Instantly grasp your customer’s reaction so you can immediately deal with any objections before they kill your pitch.


Build better relationships

Quickly gain customer confidence and respect so that they give you 100% of their attention.


Manage energy levels

Ensure that you are at your best and that the customer is fully committed to listening to you during the pitch.


Overcoming your subconscious

Learn to identify irrational cognitive biases, ensuring they work for you and not against you.


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Prior to the program, all participants will take an online assessment to find out about their natural communication style.

Programme content:

  • The importance of identifying the decision maker
    • How the brain works and the decision-making process
    • Learn to read nonverbal communication clues
    • Learn to recognize and adopt the customer's preferred communication style
  • The importance of knowing how to sell at three levels
    • Quickly building trust and respect
    • Mood management
    • Optimizing message delivery
  • Knowing and making use of customers' behavioural expectations
  • How to ensure you are always at your best at Pitch Time

Workshop content:

  • Behavioural science
  • Motivational Science
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Body language and micro-expressions
  • Neurolinguistic Programming

Length: 2 days (8h x2)

Workshop capacity: 16 people

Dramatically increase the likelihood of closing deals.

Learn more about this method and the training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Criar Equipas assertivas

Does your team work as a real team? Are they truly cooperative? Does each one give their very best?

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Build Assertive Teams

Does your team work as a real team? Are they truly cooperative? Does each one give their very best? As markets become more and more competitive, people become your main competitive advantage. But it is not enough to have a group of talented individuals. They have to work together, as an excellent team. For this to happen, all communication must be highly assertive.

Starting from a system that identifies communication styles, Miguel has developed a highly practical and personalized workshop exactly to create the necessary environment for developing excellence in teams.

This workshop enables you to:


Identify the strengths of each team member


Identify the differences that separate them but that also bring them together


Know how to deal with each one as an individual


Create trust throughout the team


Set team rules of engagement


Unite towards a common goal


Prior to the programme, all participants will take an online assessment to find out about their natural communication style. 

The program will be totally practical, full of exercises, and fully adapted to the results of each teams' assessments.

Programme content:

  • ​What makes a team into champions
  • The DISC model and how it works
  • The DO's and DON'Ts of each communication style
  • Exercises for recognizing each one’s communication style
  • ​Team strengths and each members' contribution
  • How to address weaknesses
  • Assertive communication
  • Constructive participation
  • The team mission
  • The team values
  • Rules of engagement
  • Building mutual trust and respect

Length: 1 day (8h)

Workshop capacity: Ideal 8; Maximum 20

Dramatically increase your team's ability to surpass their goals, while being happier throughout the process.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Maximizar Performance

Do you feel that each of your team members has potential that hasn't yet been tapped?Wouldn't you rather that everyone be able to achieve as much as they can?

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Maximize Performance

M.A.S.T.E.R.® Method

In order for great athletes to become champions, they must consistently achieve maximum performance.The same thing goes for every professional in your field.In order to stay on top of your game, a set of conditions must be met, conditions related not only to your working environment, but above all to your attitude, beliefs and will to achieve.

The M.A.S.T.E.R.@ method converts precisely the potential we all have into highly effective productivity, thereby enabling each person to achieve goals that would otherwise be totally beyond their reach.

This workshop enables you to:


Draw up a purpose and a mission spirit


Communicate more effectively


Recognize your strengths and make the most of them


Learn how to better manage both time and pressure


Eliminate Procrastination


Work to constantly improve results


Prior to the program each participant will take an online M.A.S.T.E.R.® assessment so that the training can be tailored to the needs of the group.

This eminently practical programme has the following content:

  • The M.A.S.T.E.R.® dimensions are spelt out as well as how they impact individual performance
  • Each participants' baseline is identified
  • Training takes place to optimize each dimension
    • MISSION - Turn a job into a mission and set SMART goals.
    • ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION - Learn how to optimize relationships through effective communication.
    • STRENGTHS - Build awareness of your strengths and how to capitalize on them
    • TIME - Learn to manage time more effectively.
    • ENERGY - Learn how to keep your energy high, always. Develop an attitude of mindfulness towards tasks. Focus on the process.
    • REACTION - Process and adapt feedback in a positive way - embrace a mentality of growth.

Length: 1 day (8h)

Workshop capacity: 16 people

Dramatically increase your team's ability to surpass their goals while being happier throughout the process.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Criar Visão Inspiradora

Does it feel like your company's vision is no different than that of so many others? that you haven't marshalled the power to inspire and move your team?

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Create an Inspiring Vision

So very often, all that keeps a solid business from becoming the undisputed market leader is the need to define a vision that is rooted in the reason for its existence and that can motivate all of its stakeholders.

This workshop will shape your company's vision. Whether you are creating it from scratch or perfecting an existing one, we will look together at how you can make your vision so unique and powerful that it can rouse passionate committment in your customers, partners and employees.

This workshop enables you to:


Draw up a purpose and a spirit of mission


Communicate more effectively


Recognize your strengths and make the most of them


In this workshop we will build up your company's vision, piece by piece.

Programme content:

  • What is the function of a vision?
  • Identifying stakeholders, desires and fears
  • Identifying the problem that your business addresses - or the opportunity it creates
  • Approaching the relevant context
  • Building up, together, the various components of a Vision:
    • Mission
    • Ambition
    • Values
    • Strategic priorities
  • Drafting a plan - What has to change so as to live this new Vision?

Length: 1 day (8h)

Workshop capacity: 8 people

Create a vision that entices your customers, team, and partners.Prepare your business for the future.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Falar como um lider

Do you need to make your presentations more inspiring? to better engage your audience? to strike the right balance between passing on information while also guiding action?

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Speak like a Leader

Trust is the best foundation for delivering effective communication that engages the audience and motivates them to action. But it is not the only factor.

This one-of-a-kind workshop provides top leaders with bespoke training so that they can develop these skills in privacy.Together we work not only on building trust but also on perfecting advanced communication techniques, from creating flow to nonverbal communication.

This workshop enables you to:


Find your own communication style


Become a more confident and engaging speaker


Modulate your emotions on stage


Prior to the programme, a series of assessments will enable you to identify your natural communication style.

Programme content:

  • Building self-confidence
  • Warming up the audience and prepare the presentation
  • Finding your archetype as a speaker
  • Improving your storytelling: openings, closures, flow and attention management
  • Improving slide design
  • Improving body language
  • Improving voice placement

Each session, you will give a presentation that will be recorded for purposes of feedback.

Length: 10 sessions in 2 ½ months (10x2h)

Workshop capacity: 1 person

​Transform your ability to communicate with audiences into a strength that defines your leadership.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Liderar pessoas Happy

Increasing your company's ROI inevitably means ensuring the well-being and happiness of its employees.

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Speak like a Leader

This is not a belief. It is science. The issue of happiness has been attracting attention not only at the personal level, but the institutional one as well, as more and more studies have revealed strong correlations between happy employees and greater value creation for companies. It increases commitment and fosters a spirit of teamwork and learning, while reducing conflict, negativity and detachment.

So timely is this topic that the top 100 US company leaders came together in September 2019 to discuss how the Wall Street mindset could be changed to value investment into the well-being of all stakeholders.

This workshop serves as a starting point, where audience members will share ideas about which issues need to be addressed so as to nurture greater levels of employee happiness.

However, increasing happiness requires not only knowledge and committment but also effort, as it means changing deeply rooted habits.That is why the last part of the workshop deals with behavioural change.

This workshop enables you to:


Share a common working model of team happiness


Identify and understand all those dimensions that contribute to individual and collective happiness.


Begin the journey of personal transformation so that each participant might become the best version of themselves.


  • What is Happiness
  • The benefits of being happy
  • What is under our control
  • How to measure happiness
  • The H.A.P.P.Y.® Methodology for Overcoming:
    • Health - What matters and how to achieve it
    • Attention - What matters and how to achieve it
    • Purpose - What matters and how to achieve it
    • People - What matters and how to approach them
    • You - What matters and how to deal with yourself
  • Create an action plan that produces effective and permanent behavioural change

Length: 3 mornings (3x4h)

Workshop capacity: 100 people

​Build an organizational culture that promotes personal happiness and ensures a sustainable future for your business.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Desafie o seu marketing

Are you sure that your business is being marketed as well as possible?

Learn more about this training programme.

Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

Challenge your marketing

This is a unique, one-day programme where the various choices related to the marketing mix will be debated in a team by asking powerful questions so as to unblock paths and identify previously unconsidered options.

This workshop enables you to:


Improve your Marketing Mix Performance


Stimulate out-of-the-box thinking by your marketing team.


The following marketing challenges will be addressed:

  • Why do they sell what they sell?
  • Who are they selling to?
  • Who are they communicating with?
  • Paths towards innovation
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Communication strategy
  • The role of the digital

Using this process, by the end of the day, you will have drawn up a robust, well-founded marketing mix that will make the team as a whole feel very happy.

Length: 1 day (8h)

Workshop capacity: 8 people

Optimize your company's investment. Ensure consistent and optimized marketing.

Find out more. Book a free, 15-minute chat with no obligation.

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